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Leadership and Managerial Assessment

As part of a broader initiative, an assessment of key players is often needed to refine individual and organizational knowledge of a best fit. Sightline frames development conversations with the appropriate tools and feedback in order to optimize the right path forward. We employ a range of instruments including the CCL Assessment Suite, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Preference and Perception Inventory, 16 Personality Factor, and the Strong Interest Inventory among others.

Our experience in career assessment is a fundamental skill set that we bring to any intervention, and informs our capability to get a fast read on potential misalignment.


Keywords: Managerial Assessment and Leadership Development Assessment of Key Players Performance. Research-based assessment tools, improvement strategies, personality assessment, personality instrument, normal personality, human resource, employee development, emotional intelligence, performance development, employee training, cross-training, Sightline Consulting can help you with employee feedback, Leadership Assessments & Feedback - Align Leadership Performance Objectives through personality assessment, personality instrument, normal personality, human resource employee development, improving communication, psychometrics, emotional intelligence. the Comm-Pass Model, improving your HR processes, leadership competencies, internal researching, Strategic talent management recruitment, management transactions. Sightline Consulting also provides strategic goals for new product development, determine your company performance, future business goals, customer feedback inquiry, organizational communication worldwide using the Comm-Pass Model, diagnostic performance models, Key words:business consulting business management consulting corporate consulting business business planning business, Leadership Assessment Developing more Productive Work Teams Sightline Consulting Development Assessment of Key Player Performance